14/02 Ek Shaury Katha By Bhagyashree Patil

14/02 Ek Shaury Katha is a novel book by Bhagyashree Patil that depicts the ferocious terrorist incident of 14/02/2019 in Kashmir. This book is published by Esahity Pratisthan in 2019. The total page number of this book is 96 and the PDF file size of this book is 02 Mb. You can easily download this book by clicking on the link below.

Book Details:

  • Book Name: 14/02 Ek Shaury Katha
  • Author: Bhagyashree Patil
  • Category: Novels Books
  • Publisher: Esahity Pratisthan
  • Published: 2019
  • Total pages: 96
  • PDF Size: 02 Mb

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