Nostalgia is a storybook written by Prashant Dandekar that was published by Esahity Pratisthan in 2020. It’s a storybook about the time before the Covid-19 pandemic situation. And due to the corona situation, people had to stay home to be safe but that also made our life miserable. All the occasions were cut from the community to be observed with only families that made our situations occasions lifeless. We couldn’t spend our life to the fullest like pre-corona normal times. So, through this book, the author tried to put together for us the fullest days that we lived before the corona situation.
Now, if you want to check out this book then click on the link below to read online. If you want it to be yours then you can download this book for free from our website by clicking on the link below. The total page number of this book is 73 and the PDF file size is 1.3 Mb. And it also has a second part, if you want to check it out click here ” Nostalgia 2 ”
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