Sherlock Holmes 7 is a Marathi translated book by Vrishali Joshi that was published by Esahity Pratisthan in 2020. This is mainly the 8th part of this famous fiction novel series Sherlock Holmes. This is mainly an English fiction novel series that was originally written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Mrs. Vrishali Joshi took this fiction novel to another level by translating this into your own Marathi language. This 8th part of Sherlock Holmes translated by Vrishali Joshi covered this book within a total of 183 pages. We have added the PDF file of this book that you can read here online on our website or you can download the book for free. The PDF file size of this book is only 1.9 Mb.
{Notice: Other parts of this translated novel are also available on our website here}
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