Punarvasan By B B Desai Punarvasan By B B Desai 239 views Punarvasan by B B Desai is a short novel book. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains a simple but inspiring story. ... Novels Books
Prayahshchitta By Madhu Shirgaonkar Prayahshchitta By Madhu Shirgaonkar 251 views Prayahshchitta by Madhu Shirgaonkar is a novel. This is an interesting novel by the author that contains an inspiring story about good deeds and ... Novels Books
Udyami By Jagadish Khandewale Udyami By Jagadish Khandewale 241 views Udyami by Jagadish Khandewale is a short novel. This is an interesting novel that contains an inspiring story. A story of never losing hope or ... Novels Books
Tee By Manoj Rajput Tee By Manoj Rajput 242 views Tee by Manoj Rajput is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains a romantic novel. This novel talks about a girl ... Novels BooksRomantic
Suvarnamati By Mrinmayee Shirgaonkar Suvarnamati By Mrinmayee Shirgaonkar 227 views Suvarnamati by Mrinmayee Shirgaonkar is an episode of a novel. This book by the author is a series novel that was published in 17 different ... Novels Books
Shikshan By Ankush Shingade Shikshan By Ankush Shingade 238 views Shikshan by Ankush Shingade is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains an exceptional concept and context of ... Novels Books
Vruksh Mandir By Anil Wakankar Vruksh Mandir By Anil Wakankar 249 views Vruksh Mandir by Anil Wakankar is a social novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains the story of a tree temple and ... Novels Books
Vritra By Suraj Gatade Vritra By Suraj Gatade 245 views Vritra by Suraj Gatade is a religious novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that originated from the story of Vritra. He is a ... Novels BooksReligion
The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde & Vrishali Joshi The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde & Vrishali Joshi 239 views The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde & Vrishali Joshi is a translated novel. This is a Philosophical novel that was originally written ... Literature BooksNovels BooksTranslation Book
Anadi Anant By Shakuntala Boraganvakar Anadi Anant By Shakuntala Boraganvakar 248 views Anadi Anant by Shakuntala Boraganvakar is a translated novel book. This is an interesting book that was originally written in the Kannada ... Novels BooksTranslation Book
Nisarg By Umakant Thomare Nisarg By Umakant Thomare 279 views Nisarg by Umakant Thomare is a translated novel book.This is an interesting book written by the author Kannada Mirji Annaraya that contains an ... Novels BooksTranslation Book
Shipayachi Bayako By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar Shipayachi Bayako By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar 256 views Shipayachi Bayako by Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains a social ... Bhargavaram Viththal VarerkarNovels Books
Annadata Sukhi Bhav By Bhagyashree Patil Annadata Sukhi Bhav By Bhagyashree Patil 297 views Annadata Sukhi Bhav is a novel but mostly a real-life heroes life sketch by Bhagyashree Patil that was published by Esahity Pratisthan in 2019. ... Novels Books
Saṅkalana Anubhava By Sujata Chavan Saṅkalana Anubhava By Sujata Chavan 284 views Saṅkalana anubhava is a novel book by Sujata Chavan that was published by Esahity Pratishthan in 2018. The book is written in Marathi and total ... Novels Books
14/02 Ek Shaury Katha By Bhagyashree Patil 14/02 Ek Shaury Katha By Bhagyashree Patil 290 views 14/02 Ek Shaury Katha is a novel book by Bhagyashree Patil that depicts the ferocious terrorist incident of 14/02/2019 in Kashmir. This book is ... Novels Books
Mangumfee By Arun Kakatkar Mangumfee By Arun Kakatkar 282 views Mangumfee is a well-rated fiction novel book in the Marathi language. This book has authored by the captivating Marathi language writer Arun ... Novels Books
Sambhashana Khel By Shashank Parulekar Sambhashana Khel By Shashank Parulekar 278 views Sambhashana Khel is a novel book by Shashank Parulekar that was published by Esahity Pratishthan in 2018. The book is written in Marathi and ... Novels Books
Mi Ramajoshi By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar Mi Ramajoshi By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar 263 views Mi Ramajoshi by Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar is a novel. This is an interesting novel written that contains a theme of an autobiography. The ... Bhargavaram Viththal VarerkarNovels Books
Phataki Vakal By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar Phataki Vakal By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar 238 views Phataki Vakal by Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar is a novel. This is an impressive novel written by the author that contains an exceptional concept ... Bhargavaram Viththal VarerkarNovels Books
Godu Gokhale By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar Godu Gokhale By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar 259 views Godu Gokhale by Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar is a novel. This is an exceptional novel written by the author that contains depictions from real ... Bhargavaram Viththal VarerkarNovels Books
N Pujalelii Devataa By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar N Pujalelii Devataa By Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar 242 views N Pujalelii Devataa by Bhargavaram Viththal Varerkar is novel. This is an interesting novel that he wrote over a mythological theme. When reading ... Bhargavaram Viththal VarerkarNovels Books
Asprshya Vichara By Mahadev Maate Asprshya Vichara By Mahadev Maate 264 views Asprshya Vichara by Mahadev Maate is a social novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that includes the thesis on the social ... Mahadev MaateNovels Books
Hirava Chuda By Sarojini Babar Hirava Chuda By Sarojini Babar 251 views Hirava Chuda by Sarojini Babar is a novel. This is an interesting novel that is interesting in its contexts and concept. The plot arrangements ... Novels BooksSarojini babar
Ajita By Sarojini Babar Ajita By Sarojini Babar 249 views Ajita by Sarojini Babar is a novel. This is an interesting novel with an exceptional concept and context. The narrative style and the plot ... Novels BooksSarojini babar
Vindhyachal By Shivram Mahadev Paranjape Vindhyachal By Shivram Mahadev Paranjape 270 views Vindhyachal by Shivram Mahadev Paranjape is a novel. This is an interesting novel that includes an interesting concept and an exceptional ... Novels BooksShivram Mahadev Paranjape
Pandhare Dhag By Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar Pandhare Dhag By Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar 270 views Pandhare Dhag by Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that includes an inspiring story from a ... Novels BooksVishnu Sakharam Khandekar
Sham Sundar By Shripad Krushna Kolhatkar Sham Sundar By Shripad Krushna Kolhatkar 243 views Sham Sundar by Shripad Krushna Kolhatkar is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author. Shripad Krushna Kolhatkar was a famous ... Novels BooksShripad Krushna Kolhatkar
Aashramharini By Vaman Malhar Joshi Aashramharini By Vaman Malhar Joshi 261 views Aashramharini by Vaman Malhar Joshi is a short novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author about a woman who used to work at a ... Novels BooksVaman Malhar Joshi
Ragini By Vaman Malhar Joshi Ragini By Vaman Malhar Joshi 271 views Ragini by Vaman Malhar Joshi is a novel that was first published in 1914. This is an interesting novel written by the author that contains an ... Novels BooksVaman Malhar Joshi
Navajiivan By Pandurang Sadashiv Sane Navajiivan By Pandurang Sadashiv Sane 270 views Navajiivan by Pandurang Sadashiv Sane is an amazing novel written by the author. This is a novel by the writer that includes many philosophical ... Novels BooksPandurang Sadashiv Sane