100 Varse Pudhe by Sanyam Bagayatkar 100 Varse Pudhe by Sanyam Bagayatkar 249 views 100 Varse Pudhe by Sanyam Bagayatkar is a fiction novel. This is an interesting book containing a fiction novel based on the fictional story ... FictionStory Books
The Death of Ivan Ilych By Leo Tolstoy (Marathi) The Death of Ivan Ilych By Leo Tolstoy (Marathi) 283 views The Death of Ivan Ilych By Leo Tolstoy (Marathi) is a translated novel book. This is an interesting novel book that contains a philosophical ... FictionLiterature BooksTranslation Book
Tu Majha Saangaati By Suraj Gatade Tu Majha Saangaati By Suraj Gatade 237 views Tu Majha Saangaati by Suraj Gatade is a fictional storybook. This is an interesting storybook inspired by Satyajit Ray’s story ... FictionStory Books