![Praarabdh By Surendra Patharkar](https://marathipdf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Prarabdh-By-Surendra-Patharkar-185x278.png)
Wishwakatha 2 is a translated storybook written by Vrishali Joshi that was published by Esahity Pratisthan in 2019. This book includes Marathi translated stories from different inspiring writers around the world. This book has a total of 8 stories of 8 different writers. They are Stefan Zweig, Leo Tolstoy, Sir Charles Douglas Roberts, Katherine Mansfield, Guy de Maupassant, Carl Stephenson, Vance Palmer, and Per Hallstrom. The stories of these writers would absolutely inspire you. The whole 8 stories are covered within a total of 102 pages. You can read the book online or you can download only a 1.1Mb PDF file of the book from our website for free.
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